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原创毕业典礼Commencement| 陈文国总校长寄语Regards from Principal Bowen Chen


2023 · 毕业季




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最近看到一句话,很有感触。A BETTER YOU, A BIGGER WORLD!这句话表达了一种信念,即我们每个人都有无限的潜力和能力,可以不断地成长和进步,从而实现更好的自己。同时,我们所处的世界也是一个不断变化和发展的环境,我们需要不断地适应和拓展自己的视野和能力,才能在这个更大的世界上寻找更多的机会和成功。换言之,只有不断提升自己,扩大自己的影响和价值,我们才能更好地融入这个更大的世界,并为自己和他人创造更多的价值和可能。因此,要想成就更大的事业和更有意义的生活,我们必须努力成为一个更好的自己,在不断探索和奋斗中寻找自己的使命和价值,同时也为世界带来更多的贡献和改变。

首先把这句话送给我们毕业生们。A BETTER YOU, A BIGGER WORLD! 相信你们会成为更好的自己,因此而拥有更大的世界!





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Dear students, colleagues, parents, and guests,

Good morning!‍‍

By roughly the same time last year, we had just returned to school, and had repeatedly adjusted our schedule for the commencement. Our determinationto hold a commencement on campus for our graduates at that time reflected ourdeep love and care for our students. We hoped they would feel the warmth from their alma mater and gainmore strength when they started a new journey in their life.

Now, we are here to celebrate this year"s commencement as scheduled.‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Today, underclass students also attend the commencement. You are here not just to present garlands to our seniors, but also to draw confidence and strength from their stories.We have also invited some colleagues from the international education community not only to thank you for your recognizing and supportingSHBS, but also to work together to promote the healthy development of international education.

It has been5 years since SHBS was inaugurated on June 17, 2018. We have always believed in the power of perseverance and doing what is right no matter how difficult it is.

Over the past five years, we have adhered to our philosophy of "The best education is the one that suits the individual student" and "Empower seemingly ordinary kids to be brilliant, and excellent ones to be even more extraordinary." We have always been placing students at the core and focusing on their development so that they will be able to thrive in this world full of uncertainties, and make a positive influence on the community and develop a strongersense of responsibility. We have spared no effort in continuously making breakthroughs, allowing kids to grow up genuinely and truly. All the difficulties we have met with including the covid-19 pandemic will eventually prove to make us even more stronger. We are proud to be known as a refreshing force in Shanghai"s international education circle.

In fact, our graduating class of 2023 also believe in the power of perseverance. Whether when you are in class, engaging incommunity activities, or working in a team, you have been making progress. Each of you has a unique story of your own, and each story is true and sincere, and each one is trying to be the best of himself or herself. You have turned the lawn into a soccer field, the school bell into your favorite melody, and made the roof of school building resources for your projects. You have filled our bubblegym, rowing dock, and recording studio with stories. You have explored everywhere in Shanghai during ourPBL projects. During the covid-19 lockdown, one of you served as the youngest leader of group purchasing, you established a medical mutual aid organization consisting of 600 members, and you initiated the "Hope for Pearl” project at SHBS to help those who can"t afford high school education. All these reflected your attitude towards our community and your sense of responsibility. Your efforts and perseverance in applying what you’ve learned to real-life situations fully demonstrate the creativity, initiative, and pursuit of purposeand value of SHBS community.

Dear students, as teachers, we are proud of yourpersevering effort.

In the past two years, though the college application process has been increasingly competitive, SHBS’s results of college acceptance have reached new heights. Especially this year known as the coldestseason for college application, SHBS became the biggest dark horse by harvestingoffers from two Ivy League colleges. More and more parents, students, and education professionals are attracted by our perseverance, as is proved by the increasing number of visit appointmentsreceived by the recruitment office and the growing attendance on open-house days. The promotion and publicity on various international education platforms have further proved our popularity.

I am delighted to share withall the parents, students, and friends who care about and support SHBS that as the government is regulating international schools, SHBS will have a much brighter future!

Recently, I came across a sentencethat deeply impressed me: "A BETTER YOU, A BIGGER WORLD!" This statement expresses a belief that each of us has unlimited potential and abilities, so we should keep growingand making progress to become better and better. Meanwhile, we live in a world with ever-changing and evolving environment. We need to keep adjusting ourselves and broadening our horizon and improving our abilities so that we can find more opportunities leading to success in this bigger world. In other words, only by constantly improving ourselves, expanding our influence and value, can we better fit into this larger world and create more value and possibilities for ourselves and others. Therefore, if we want to achieve greater accomplishments and lead a more meaningful life, we must make ourselves better and better, seek for our own mission and value by exploring, and contribute to the world and make it better.

Firstly, I would like to say to our graduates: "A BETTER YOU, A BIGGER WORLD!" I believe you will be better and better, and thus you will have a bigger world!

I would also like to say to Hongrun Boyuan itself: "A BETTER YOU, A BIGGER WORLD!"

And finally, I’d like to say it to everyone present here today! "A BETTER YOU, A BIGGER WORLD!"

I sincerely thank the Director Board ofHongrun Construction Groupled byPresident Zheng Hongfangfor their trust and support. I sincerely thank all SHBS staff for their love and creative efforts. I sincerely thank the parents of SHBS for their unwavering trust and assistance. I sincerely thank our beloved students for their true and sincere growth. I sincerely thank all the friends who care about and support SHBS!

文 | Bowen Chen

翻译 | Dawn Xu

排版 | Jang


